This New Thing…A Change In Perspective.

You know how your parents tell you to do something and you really don’t want to do it because you don’t see the purpose behind it? Like literally, you are questioning the why…why now?…can’t it wait?…why me? That is what we do to God when He tells us to do something that we don’t want to do or don’t understand why it’s important to do. I won’t even get started on when He tells us NOT to do something because that’s an entirely different story for another day. LOL.

Well, this is one of those things. This page…this new thing that doesn’t make sense to me because first I know nothing about blogging.  So, when the word ‘blog’ was dropped in my spirit, I said “say what now?”. Like literally I was sitting at my computer about to write a FB post and that word came dropping into my spirit. I said “God, I don’t know anything about blogging…do they even do that even more with all these FB reels and TikToks?? How is that even going to change what I have going on (or not going on) right now?”. There I sat, questioning because I didn’t see, in the natural, why I should follow what was brought to me in the spiritual. Then, I caught myself and went to work.

It was different to say the least (I just recently learned at church to stop saying things are hard). I wanted to give up because there was a lot that wasn’t my cup of tea. LOL. The challenge was real y’all, still is to be honest. Yet here I am and hopefully here you are… taking this journey with me. Where it will lead to, I don’t know; but, what I do know is that because it started with God, it’s going to be good.

Whether it’s through my sharing my own journey, a poem I wrote and share, or just a snippet of encouragement for the moment I am confident that something within these few pages will do exactly what it was meant to do. There may be things that make you cry, laugh, smile…but most importantly, I hope within those things, you also see how perceptions can shape our perspectives and how it all helps us or hinders us on our way to purpose.

You see, I almost let my perception of what I was told to do, cloud my perspective and all I’m going to say is “thank You God for Your word” because without it, I’d have walked away from purpose….once again.

Well, I did it y’all. I created my first official blog post!! I’m excited and I hope that you come back and continue on this journey with God, Paper And Me.

Love you to life!

P.S. Social media sites are coming….be patient with me 😊

GOD Paper and me

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